All Categories > Moments
13 articles
Get an understanding of what Moments are and how you can use them in your online ministry..
Updated 3 years ago by Eric Lutz
You can choose which Moments you want to be available for use in the Host Tools during a Service.
Updated 4 months ago by Eric Lutz
Moments are used to reach and engage your attenders during a service. To allow attenders to see Moments, they need to be posted.
Updated 8 months ago by Eric Lutz
The Salvation Moment lets you give your attenders a chance to indicate a decision to follow Jesus! Admins have the ability to choose between a localized Salvation Moment or the customized one.
Connect moments allow attenders to connect with your ministry in unlimited ways.
Updated 4 years ago by Eric Lutz
The Give Moment allows you to lead your attenders to contribute to your church by presenting them with a URL to your church's online giving solution.
The power of prayer changes lives online, so we've added the Prayer Moment as a second option to engage your attenders in one-on-one conversations.
Updated 4 years ago
Invite Moments allow your attenders to share your service with others via text messaging, social media platforms, etc., and share how much they love your church!
The response moment allows you to create a custom singular poll to drive engagement during a service. You can create custom text and a custom call to action button.
The Image Moment allows you to share an image in the chat feed. Attenders can like and discuss the image in the chat, and then share it directly to their social media feeds, which helps reach more people that may attend your service!
A Quote Moment lets you highlight a specific quote and allows attenders to like and share the most powerful points from your service.
An iframe is an HTML tag that allows you to embed content from another document within the current HTML document.
The Connect Moment is a powerful, multi-purpose tool allowing you to lead your attenders to numerous next steps and connection points with your church. Hear about 10 different ways you can usethis Mo…
Updated 3 years ago by Amanda Bixler
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