All Categories > Diving Deeper
9 articles
The Analytics tab allows you to take a closer look at how people are engaging with your Service.
Updated 9 months ago
Transcripts provide you with a copy of public chat, host chat, live prayer chat, and direct chat for each service.
Updated 3 years ago
Hear Life.Church Senior Pastor Craig Groeschel share his tips for how to measure attendance and gauge success for an online church audience..
Facebook login allows your attenders to log in to your Church Online Platform account with their Facebook credentials.
Updated 1 year ago
Facebook pixel is an ID that you place in the Platform to collect data to track conversions from Facebook ads.
Google Analytics can give you a few additional data points to help you see the picture of your effectiveness and trends.
Updated 2 years ago by Geoff Hensley
The HubSpot tracking ID allows HubSpot to monitor your Church Online Platform traffic.
OpenID Connect allows your users to sign in using your external authentication provider instead of the Church Online Platform.
Webhooks allow you to send data around attender engagement from the Church Online Platform to your ChMS (Church Management Software) or other tools.
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