Streaming with Facebook Live

You can easily connect live video from Facebook to Church Online Platform.

Facebook Live Video Embed

  1. From your church's Facebook page, click on the button to create a live video.
  2. Set up your live stream & ensure that the permissions are set to public, so you can share the link with others.
  3. Once your service is live, go to your profile from another browser & find this event on the timeline.
  4. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the event & click Embed.
  5. On the popup, click on Copy Code.
    Make sure to copy the embed code & not the webpage's URL. The URL will just lead you to the video's post & not the video feed.
  6. Open your Church Online Platform Admin page -> Services -> Edit Content
  7. Under the Video section, make sure Embed Code is selected & paste the Facebook Embed Code in the box. And save!

Be warned: Facebook uses algorithms to detect copyright material and that is known to mistakenly block videos from being embedded and can be hard to figure out and resolve. Therefore, while Facebook can work, we recommend other options to avoid this.
Check to see if the video audience is set to Public. Facebook only allows Public videos to be shared to a third-party platform.

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